Estate planning and the Dysfunctional Family

Over my career as an estate planning and elder law attorney, I swear I have seen just about everything. I cannot remember a fact pattern that surprised me or took me aback. I am honestly at the point now where I think that dysfunctional is the norm for the common family that we assist. I’m not sure if it’s because we specialize in estate planning and elder law and we get referrals and cases that are more complex and more advanced than others, or if that is just the norm these days. My gut says it is probably the latter.

I did some research to define the word dysfunctional, and there is no clear-cut definition. But my gut would say that dysfunctional would include families such as second marriages with kids to different relationships, as well as addictions or spendthrift issues, or just family dynamics in in-tact families where people do not care for each other. Again, I think this is probably the norm more than any exception.

It is imperative that families are open and honest with their attorney so that the attorney can put a plan in place that addresses what they need for their specific situation. Dysfunction does not present as the same fact pattern in any two cases, and therefore an experienced estate planning attorney is needed to be able to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Be very wary of the do-it-yourself sites or general practice attorneys who don’t specialize in this area if there is a complex fact pattern for you and your family.

We love assisting any and all families and certainly love putting the fun in dysfunctional. We look forward to providing an estate plan that is unique for you and your family, whether you are dysfunctional or as functional as anyone else.

Please feel free to give us a call if you have any questions or comments at 717-845-5390.