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Trust Our Professional Elder Law Attorneys
Ben Franklin is credited with saying “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” While that certainly applies in some instances when it comes to a Medicaid crisis situation our office is still able to assist even if planning was not done prior to you or your loved one finding yourself in need of skilled care, either in a nursing home or via the waiver program.
Skilled nursing home care is expensive, and the costs are only increasing from generation to generation. On average skilled nursing homes cost $10,000 to $12,000 a month, depending on where you live. The majority of people end up paying for long-term nursing home care until they deplete their entire life savings, which generally only takes a few years after entering a nursing home. Medicaid can help prevent this from happening.
Medicaid is a Federal health care program, funded mainly by the Federal Government and administered by the State. To qualify for Medicaid income and asset requirements need to be met. Qualifying for Medicaid can be very difficult and requires a very extensive and time-consuming application process. However, without following this possible payment option, paying for nursing home care could be next to impossible.
Medicaid differs among states when it comes to eligibility. Pennsylvania does not have an income cap limit or test for nursing home Medicaid. However, a person’s assets cannot exceed a certain amount called the Individual Resource Allowance, which changes yearly and is also based on income. However, the complexity to Medicaid comes from the extensive list of assets that are exempt from Medicaid like your home and vehicles, for determining eligibility. This figure is very low and alarming.
If the individual is married, it becomes even more complicated. For a married person to qualify for Medicaid, the spouse can only keep half the couple’s assets up to the Maximum Community Spouse Resource Allowance, which changes yearly. However, there are ways to protect 100% of the assets for the community spouse. But it is essential that a couple get advice from an Elder Law Attorney to discover your best planning strategies to protect assets and still qualify for Medicaid.
There are multiple rules and laws that need to be considered and interpreted for effective planning and qualification for Medicaid benefits. Our office can guide you in navigating this process. We have an experienced department that aims to make this process as simple as possible for all of our clients, ensuring that the laws and rules are interpreted and explained in language the average person can understand. But more importantly that we get you qualified for benefits as quickly as possible.
Medicaid Process
Assignment of Paralegal
You will be assigned a Paralegal that will assist you in obtaining necessary information.
Submitting Documents
The Paralegal assigned to your matter will review the documents provide you with an updated MRIL with any documents and/or action that needs to take place.
Signing of the Medicaid Documents
A meeting will be scheduled with the assigned Paralegal to execute all necessary documents for approval.
Submitting Documents to the County
After the necessary documents are executed and the file is built, the Paralegal then submits the file for processing.
County Assistance Office Pending List
A review of all documents received will take place, and if any additional documents are needed, they will contact our office. Your Assigned Paralegal will reach out to you to obtain what is necessary for approval.
The Approval
Once all documents and information have been received, our office will be informed of the approval.
Your Paralegal Will Alert You of the Approval
Once we receive notification of the approval, we will send you a copy of the notice with a letter of explanation and what to expect going forward.
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