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Estate planning and the Dysfunctional Family

Estate planning and the Dysfunctional Family

Over my career as an estate planning and elder law attorney, I swear I have seen just about everything. I cannot remember a fact pattern that

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Factors to Consider When Selecting a Guardian for Your Children

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Guardian for Your Children

When I ask my clients what is driving them to come see me for estate planning, I usually get the same answer; we want to

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What is the Worst-Case Scenario if I Don’t Plan?

What is the Worst-Case Scenario if I Don’t Plan?

What is the worst-case scenario if I don’t plan? This is a question that was raised to me several years ago by a client,

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Having “The Conversation” or “The Talk” With Your Adult Children About Their Inheritance

Having “The Conversation” or “The Talk” With Your Adult Children About Their Inheritance

It is very rare for us to assist a family with their estate planning that we are not asked from the parents whether or not

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Details about Wills

Details about Wills

There’s no escaping death. It’s a fact of life. But having your affairs in order helps eliminate some of the stress and anxiety during a

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Texting Your Will

Texting Your Will

In the U.S., laws about what constitutes a valid legal will have not changed very much since the Declaration of Independence. Most states still follow

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Tax Issues on the Family Home for Loved Ones

Tax Issues on the Family Home for Loved Ones’s recent article, “Complex inheritance taxes on a home,” explains the valuation of a home based on its fair market value (FMV) on the date

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Executor Seeks to Resign from Role in Texas Lawyer’s Estate

Executor Seeks to Resign from Role in Texas Lawyer’s Estate

When the famous Texas attorney John O’Quinn died in 2009, he had over 1,200 automobiles—but no children and no heirs. Gerald Treece, who was a

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Don’t Over-Think Your Estate Planning

Don’t Over-Think Your Estate Planning

The psychological issues in deciding how to leave your assets can be the hardest part of the process, says Wilmington Biz in the recent article,

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How Do I Collect as the Sole Beneficiary for a Family Member Who Lives Out-of-State?

How Do I Collect as the Sole Beneficiary for a Family Member Who Lives Out-of-State?’s recent article, “Inheriting money from out-of-state relative,” explains that with a power of attorney, you will be able to manage the family member’s affairs

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Estate Planning with No Heirs

Estate Planning with No Heirs

Some people have a somewhat unique estate planning challenge: they’re childless and not sure what should happen to the assets they leave behind or whom

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Check on Your Beneficiaries…Today!

Check on Your Beneficiaries…Today!

When you pass away, what you leave to your loved ones is important, but so too is how you leave those assets. Making certain that

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