Grandparenting – Part 1

We have a grandson who will soon be 4. He lives less than a mile from us, so we spend at least 1 afternoon/evening a week with him. No matter what mood I am in, even a good one, he always makes it better. He is the most interesting person I know.

He soaks up everything, doesn’t forget anything (except occasionally to clean up), and has a vivid imagination. Each week, our house becomes haunted and has ghosts and dinosaurs and pirates running through it. We have treasure hunts, which consist of him taking a bunch of pennies, which become chocolate coins. They get well hidden (mostly dropped at various points on the bedroom carpet), and lest I can’t find them, he goes ahead of me to help me find them. Still, Mom-Mom and I (Pop-Pop) find chocolate coins throughout the room for the next couple of days.

He is obsessed with, of all things, yard work and construction equipment. Weather permitting, we are out in the yard, where he uses his leaf blower and weed whacker (2 sticks which he found in the yard, but which are now kept in the same place every week so he can find and use them). He also loves the sandbox I built for him, and we get out the sandbox toys, including the usual and a couple of pieces of heavy equipment. Every time he wants me to build sand castles, and every time he promises he won’t destroy them, and every time he destroys them as soon as they are built!

What I like best of all is the way he likes to play with me. I pick him up on the way home from work, so when we get home we always go up to my bedroom so I can change my clothes. Our game consists of him having me lie on the bed, usually under the covers, so I can hide with the stuffed animals from our various home invaders. Who could ask for a better game than that?

He also likes to play hide and seek, but he is a very bad hider! He will hide in the closet, or more often under a blanket on the floor (who could find a blanket with a big lump under it!), and as soon as you come near, he is squirming and giggling.

His latest thing is to arrest Mom-Mom or me. Usually, Mom-Mom can get out of jail pretty quickly, because she has to make dinner. Jail is the first-floor bathroom, and he makes us sit in the dark. I now know to keep my Kindle handy, so when he takes me to jail, I just grab it and take it along for free reading time until he springs me.

Though shy, he is extremely polite, and he warms up to others quickly. In short, he is an absolute delight to be around, and the most interesting person I know.

Bill Poole

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