Get It Together!

Checkbox-642x250When life gets busy it’s easy to become more passive about managing your bank accounts and credit cards by letting receipts, bills and statements pile up. Even if you regularly keep up with your finances, it can be beneficial to take a fresh look at them. Simplify your financial life with these.

A recent article in The Tahoe Daily Tribune’s, titled “Simplify your financial life,”provides some very helpful advice on de-cluttering and organizing your important information:

  1. Go Green. It’s very easy to find your financial documents online. Going paperless will help reduce the clutter, plus it’s also environmentally friendly. Start with credit cards and bank statements—get them electronically. Most companies send out an email when your statement or bill is ready each month, so you can download and store your statements electronically and make a hard copy to file if needed.
  2. Merge! Retirement accounts are one of the areas that most folks can consolidate. The article notes that if you’ve worked for different employers in your career, you’ve probably have several different retirement accounts. Think about consolidating all of your 401(k) and IRA dollars by rolling them into a centralized retirement account.
  3. Ask a professional. As you sort through your financial choices, enlist the right professionals to assist you. Helpful professionals include a qualified estate planning attorney who can provide guidance on how to put you in the best situation.

Set up an appointment with an estate planning attorney to see if they can help get your financial life organized.

For more information about estate planning, please visit my estate planning website.

Reference: The Tahoe Daily Tribune (May 11, 2015) “Simplify your financial life”