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Surprise Your Heirs with the Perfect Estate Plan

Surprise Your Heirs with the Perfect Estate Plan

“You may have created the perfect estate plan, but your heirs can easily end up in conflict and your estate in dispute–especially if the provisions

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What if You Die Intestate?

What if You Die Intestate?

If your parents don’t have wills, how do you convince them that they need them? Education is key, says NJ 101.5 in “Talking to your

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Having the Dreaded “Talk” with Mom and Dad

Having the Dreaded “Talk” with Mom and Dad

“Family conversations about money are almost always difficult, particularly the topic of estate planning.” To learn more about this and to find some strategies to

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Unlike Fine Wine and Some Fancy Cheeses, an Estate Plan Doesn’t Get Better with Age

Unlike Fine Wine and Some Fancy Cheeses, an Estate Plan Doesn’t Get Better with Age

Your estate plan may be aging as we speak. It could be getting obsolete and not reflect your current circumstance, objectives, and desires. As the

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Plug Your Nose and Draft a Will!

Plug Your Nose and Draft a Will!

As icky as it can be to think about your own death, estate planning attorneys will tell you that it’s imperative to protect your family

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Create a ‘Bulletproof’ Will

Create a ‘Bulletproof’ Will

With people living longer, things can be messier. There’s more time for a second marriage, more time for assets to accumulate, and more time for

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Remember These Remarriage Reminders

Remember These Remarriage Reminders

The unforeseen legal consequences incurred by a second or even third marriage can snarl careful estate planning and leave heirs disenfranchised and bitter, warns On

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Check This Checklist and See What You Need to Do for Your Estate Plan

Check This Checklist and See What You Need to Do for Your Estate Plan

People tend to put off estate planning. As a result, they risk dying without leaving their financial affairs in order and handing their heirs a

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Say Yes to Estate Planning!

Say Yes to Estate Planning!

It’s common for folks to make serious errors in planning—or just not planning—to pass their wealth to their heirs after they die. CNBC’s “Don’t drop

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Get Rockin’ on a Solid Estate Plan

Get Rockin’ on a Solid Estate Plan

It seems pretty natural that people postpone planning their estates. After all, who wants to anticipate or dwell on his or her own demise? What’s

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Some Things to Know About Trusts

Some Things to Know About Trusts

There are a lot of benefits of trusts, but there also are some disadvantages. NJ 101.5’s recent post, “The disadvantages to trusts,” discusses some of

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Don’t Go Commando Without a Will

Don’t Go Commando Without a Will

Did you know you need a will? You really do. Creating a will can make certain that your assets are transferred the way that you

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