A hot topic among our clients is the proposed amendment to the Federal Lifetime Gift & Estate Tax Exclusion and how it may affect their
Comparing Life Care Planning to Traditional Elder Law
This year, we are getting the word out there about the Life Care Planning we offer that involves a licensed social worker to act as
Do You Need a Trust?
This question is by far the most asked question that we receive in our office. However, there is absolutely no standard or right answer for
Meet Michelle Wheeler from our Probate Team
I essentially work with the executor/administrator/trustee and help them manage the assets and expenses of the decedent. It’s like taking over a person’s financial life
My Loved One Will Stay Home Forever
This is a statement that we hear on a regular basis in our office when we talk about aging and potentially needing assistance for our
I Don’t Trust My Trustee. What Can I Do?
It is important to understand that a trustee is a fiduciary and is held to a higher standard of duty. It is imperative as a
Having “The Conversation” or “The Talk” With Your Adult Children About Their Inheritance
It is very rare for us to assist a family with their estate planning that we are not asked from the parents whether or not
How to Split the Lake Cabin among the Kids
Financial Planning’s recent article, “Save clients from tax pitfalls, family strife when passing on that lake cabin,” says that a parents’ well-meaning bequest could wind
Advice for Blended Families and Estate Planning
Did you know that about 1,300 new stepfamilies are created every day? That’s from the Stepfamily Foundation, and the Pew Research Center says 41% of
Protecting Trust Assets from Child’s Divorce (or Divorces)
“If you don’t want money you’ve worked hard for to pass down to your son’s or daughter’s ex, then consider a trust.” The federal estate
Avoid This Common Estate Planning Mistake
“Most people don’t want to be a burden on their family or children. One of the best things you can do to accomplish this goal,
These Are Two of the Biggest Estate Planning Misconceptions
“Although these are just two of the misconceptions regarding wills, they take on special significance because they relate to some of the most important assets
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