Regardless of your income or net worth, there’s one estate planning task you should do right now: check the beneficiary designations for your life insurance
A Trusteed IRA May be a Wise Solution
Financial Planning’s article, “When you should establish an IRA as a trust,” advises that the answer depends on several factors, like the amount of control
Answers to 401(k) Questions
As you develop your financial and estate plans, you should consider integrating 401(k) accounts into an overall retirement strategy. It’s an important part of the
Review These Retirement Planning Criteria
Stock Investor’s recent article, “6 Retirement Estate Planning Criteria You Must Address,” says every retiree’s investment objective should address these six criteria: Minimum required yield.
Check on Your Beneficiaries…Today!
When you pass away, what you leave to your loved ones is important, but so too is how you leave those assets. Making certain that
Trimming Taxes for Retirees
“For now, trimming your tax tab is up to you, not the men and women in Washington who write the tax law.”
Here’s What an Estate Plan Can Do for You
"It’s common for people to consider how they will eventually like their assets to be distributed among loved ones and ministry organizations. But perhaps you
Hold Up on the Retirement Celebration until You Cross These off the List
“Months before you walk away, gold watch in hand, there some steps to take to maximize your benefits, take care of taxes and pave the
Playing with Fire? Having an Annuity in Your Traditional IRA
“If your IRA holds an annuity, you may or may not have to include its value when figuring your required minimum distribution.”
How to Build, Protect and Enhance Your Wealth throughout Your Life
“Save early and often. The sooner you start to save, the easier it will be to amass a comfortable nest egg -- thanks to the
How is Life Insurance Taxed in an Estate?
“Life insurance can pass to your heirs free of tax, if you name the right beneficiary.”
A Look at Target-Date Funds as You near Retirement
“They may not make sense once you're past the target date.”
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