Florida Chief Justice Jorge Labarga announced the creation of a task force that will work on guardianship issues facing Florida’s courts. Labarga noted that few
Florida Courts Continue to Improve Senior Guardianship System
Take Action Now to Keep Money Safe as You Get Older
“Taking steps when you’re younger can be essential to keeping your money safe in your later years.” You’ve all heard the sad stories about the
North Carolina’s Senior Tar Heel Legislature Sets Priorities for Seniors
The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel legislature (NCSTHL) met recently in Chapel Hill for its final meeting of 2016. The committees discussed resolutions and established
Elder Law Attorneys Help Seniors and Their Families
The (Fort Worth TX) Star-Telegram recently published an article, “Elder care attorneys can help with long-term care, Medicaid.” The article explained that this segment of
Finally, New Rules for Nursing Homes
As a recent Forbes article titled “The End of Secrecy in Nursing Home Wrongdoing” explains, until now consumers were required to sign arbitration agreements when
Medicare’s Observation Status Can Have You Seeing Extra Dollar Signs
If you’re in the hospital under “observation status,” which is a Medicare designation applied to patients deemed insufficiently ill for formal admission, but still too
“SNF” Doesn’t Stand for “Sunday Night Football” When Talking About Medicaid and Medicare
Can you believe the average cost for a one-bedroom unit in an assisted living facility is nearly $42,000 a year in our country? These long-term-care
NFLers Huddle Up: Make a Game Plan for Possible Dementia
A recent Washington Post article, entitled “Today’s NFL players should look hard at Sam Huff’s case; they could be next,” says you should prepare for
Before You Panic and Sell the Family Home, Talk with an Elder Law Attorney
Let’s look at a difficult but very common scenario where a husband or wife has an immediate need for nursing home care. Unfortunately, the couple
Family Long-Term Care Isn’t a Cure-All for Seniors
With people living longer, odds are that many of us will become disabled for some time before we pass away and will need some long-term
Elder Abuse Grows with Senior Population
The Administration for Community Living says that hundreds of thousands of older persons are abused, neglected and exploited every year, reported The Hillsdale (MI) Daily
When to Take Your Parent in to Live with You
People wonder if they should bring their aging parent to live with them. Typically, this issue comes up when one parent passes away. When that
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