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Which One of Us Should Take Care of Mom and Dad?

Which One of Us Should Take Care of Mom and Dad?

With Americans living longer, many Baby Boomers now find themselves giving financial and emotional support to their aging parents. An important part of this process

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Is Elder Abuse the Next Big Crime Wave?

Is Elder Abuse the Next Big Crime Wave?

About 400 social workers, law enforcers, lawyers, nursing home workers, and others who work with vulnerable adults gathered recently at the University of Minnesota to

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Persistent Problems with Powers of Attorney

Persistent Problems with Powers of Attorney

Your parents or other relatives signed a durable power of attorney, which lets you handle their finances in the event they become incapacitated. However, The

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Don’t Postpone Your Retirement because of These Mistakes

Don’t Postpone Your Retirement because of These Mistakes

If we don’t do a bang-up job with our financial planning, it could mean postponing retirement—or abandoning the idea altogether. That’s what the CPA Practice

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Don’t Forget to Ask Your Doctor about Dementia

Don’t Forget to Ask Your Doctor about Dementia

“Do you worry that forgetting names, or where you put your keys, might be a sign of impending dementia?” Researchers who reviewed federal government data

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Helping your Parents Downsize

Helping your Parents Downsize

“People are not relying on the way things used to be.” Theauthor of aChicago Tribune article titled “Don’t want to burden your children? Plan now,”

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Helping a Loved with Alzheimer’s Disease

Helping a Loved with Alzheimer’s Disease

It’s important to plan for the future. This is especially true for families who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of

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New Protections for Elderly Investors

New Protections for Elderly Investors

Two years after New York socialite Brooke Astor died in 2007, her son, Anthony Marshall was convicted of bilking her of millions of dollars. The

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Tips to Avoid Elder Financial Fraud and Abuse

Tips to Avoid Elder Financial Fraud and Abuse

The costs of elder financial fraud and abuse are more than financial. In fact, for elderly citizens who are financially exploited, the impact is more

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In Anchorage and in Our State, Folks are Making End of Life Plans

In Anchorage and in Our State, Folks are Making End of Life Plans

At Pretty Thrifty, an Eagle River consignment shop, owner Christy Carter helps client Bonny Stark unpack a set of hand-painted china. Stark has had it

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Will Forgery Suspect Gets Caught

Will Forgery Suspect Gets Caught

On April 28, a victim told police that one of their relatives had died and she had found out that a new will had been

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Special Elder Abuse Prosecutor Proposed in Oregon

Special Elder Abuse Prosecutor Proposed in Oregon

Older Oregonians who are vulnerable to financial and physical abuse would have a new ally if the Legislature agrees to finance a new state prosecutor

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