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My Loved One is in a Nursing Home, is it too Late?

My Loved One is in a Nursing Home, is it too Late?

“My loved one is in a nursing home, is it too late?” The simple answer is no, it is not too late! The only time

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Comparing Life Care Planning to Traditional Elder Law

Comparing Life Care Planning to Traditional Elder Law

This year, we are getting the word out there about the Life Care Planning we offer that involves a licensed social worker to act as

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Keep Our Loved Ones at Home

Keep Our Loved Ones at Home

I have never had a client tell me that they want to go to a nursing home. Almost daily in my practice I hear that

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With premiums increasing drastically, should I keep my long-term care insurance?

With premiums increasing drastically, should I keep my long-term care insurance?

This is a question that I receive on a regular basis in my estate planning and elder law practice. By way of full disclosure, I

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My Loved One Will Stay Home Forever

My Loved One Will Stay Home Forever

This is a statement that we hear on a regular basis in our office when we talk about aging and potentially needing assistance for our

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Taking Care of an Elderly Parent Can be a Full-time Undertaking

Taking Care of an Elderly Parent Can be a Full-time Undertaking

“Each year over 43 million Americans provide unpaid care to a family member, usually a parent.” Adult children who care for an elderly parent will

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Tennessee Eyes New Law on Elder Abuse

Tennessee Eyes New Law on Elder Abuse

“A group of lawmakers have teamed up to address what they said is a growing issue across the state – elderly abuse.” Tennessee state lawmakers

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Use Caution in Helping with Seniors’ Finances

Use Caution in Helping with Seniors’ Finances

Assisting someone with his or her finances sounds simple, right? Your mom, a neighbor or the person for whom you provide home health care may

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The Fine Print about Reverse Mortgages

The Fine Print about Reverse Mortgages

A reverse mortgage is a mortgage you can take out when you’re 62 years or older. This plan lets you stay in your home as

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Retirement in Special Needs Families

Retirement in Special Needs Families

The big challenge for many Special Needs Families is balancing the financial needs of retirement with the long-term needs of a child with a disability.

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Beware of Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Beware of Financial Abuse of the Elderly

Scams targeting senior citizens are on the rise, so the real question isn’t if a scam will be tried, but when. TC Palm’s recent article,

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Like Gene Wilder, Many Opt to Keep Alzheimer’s Disease a Secret

Like Gene Wilder, Many Opt to Keep Alzheimer’s Disease a Secret

Comedic actor Gene Wilder, who died last week at age 83 from complications of Alzheimer’s disease, didn’t tell anyone about his illness for at least

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