Special needs planning

Bellomo and Associates recently did a Facebook live event for special needs families to help them understand the importance of planning for their children with special needs. It was a live two-hour presentation that also hosted a full group of people in the workshop room at Bellomo and Associates. The event was a huge success, and we have received great feedback from the special needs community about its positive impact on the families.

We do weekly estate planning and Medicaid preparation workshops in our office, and typically do about eight workshops a month in our office, and about another two to four a month out in the community. However, we rarely have the opportunity to do a full two-hour presentation for families, and this recent event provided that. I give presentations to groups all over the country, but I was especially excited about this event. I enjoyed the process of creating the program and completely new PowerPoint slides in order to be able to give a full two-hour presentation on the topic.

Families with children who have special needs often do not know where to turn to receive information about public benefits and what happens if their children have too much money or if a family member wants to leave a child with special needs money upon death. The landscape is often confusing and overwhelming. Thus, when Jessica from Easter Seals asked us to do this event, we jumped on the opportunity.

The presentation itself covers everything on the basics from powers of attorney to guardianships, as well as about how to give money to a child with special needs in a way that will not disqualify the child from government benefits. It also covers how people with special needs can have money of their own and still be able to continue benefits and also potentially continue to receive money or other inheritances and such. We received great questions from both the live audience and the Facebook live community, and have gotten great feedback since the event as well.

Because we want other families with children with special needs to be able to benefit from this event as well, we are leaving the recording of the live event on our Facebook page so it can be watched in the future. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed presenting it.

If you or somebody you know has a child with special needs, please watch the video, and contact us if you have any further questions. We will be happy to meet with you. Just contact us by clicking here.

Jeffrey Bellomo, Esq.