This blog discusses cohabitating in the context of two adult individuals who live together but who are not married. They can be a partner, significant
What is the Worst-Case Scenario if I Don’t Plan?
What is the worst-case scenario if I don’t plan? This is a question that was raised to me several years ago by a client,
Why is it Important to Understand or Learn Probate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?
This is a question that we receive all of the time in our office. The answer is because you could have personal liability as an executor
When Avoiding Probate Wasn’t Necessary Or The Right Answer
We recently did a blog that talked about how national companies and mainstream media often talk about avoiding probate at all costs and the advantages
Planning For Retirement And Enjoying The Remaining Years
When it comes to planning for retirement, the most important person may, probably, be a financial planner or someone to make sure that you have
My Loved One Will Stay Home Forever
This is a statement that we hear on a regular basis in our office when we talk about aging and potentially needing assistance for our
My Spouse Died, Am I Liable for his/her Debts?
As estate planning and elder law attorneys we receive this question all of the time. As a general rule of thumb, the answer is no,
My Loved One Wants To Stay Home, But We Are Open To The Possibility Of Other Arrangements
We often make recommendations to local handymen to be able to make changes or adaptations to the home, and we certainly have numerous referral sources
How Technology is Changing the Estate Planning Landscape
It is so easy these days from the comfort of our homes to be able to learn all about our ancestry and to be able
I Don’t Trust My Trustee. What Can I Do?
It is important to understand that a trustee is a fiduciary and is held to a higher standard of duty. It is imperative as a
I Am a Beneficiary of an Estate. How Long Will it Take For Me to Get My Money?
This is a question that we receive at least once a month if not more in our office. Individuals who were named in a Last Will
How Can I Avoid Probate?
A week probably does not go by in my estate planning and elder law practice that I do not hear this question. We spend a