In my estate and elder law practice, I routinely provide advice to seniors and their families about the next step. Specifically about what they will do when they need more care in their home or in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home.
Nobody ever wants to have to be relocated as we all wish that we could just reside in our homes until we pass. However, this is not always the case and having a plan in place, preparing you and your loved ones for what it will look like to have to move will reduce the amount of stress and burden on your family tremendously.
The most important piece to all of this is for the entire family to be on the same page and to have open and honest conversations with each other. All too often, families don’t have difficult conversations with the hopes that those decisions or that heartache will simply just go away if they ignore it.
My experience is that that is never the case. But, ultimately will only provide more heartache and more stress that could easily be avoided if the family has conversations up-front before it is necessary.
I am always amazed at the assistance and guidance that assisted living facilities, personal care homes and nursing homes provide to their potential residents. The number of resources and guidance that they can provide are astronomical and should definitely not be underestimated or overlooked.
Take advantage of any and all resources that are made available. But, if you have not yet made the final decision as to where you may want to move and cannot tap into the resources of a specific facility, there are definitely resources in and around our community that will not only assist you with preparation of your current home for sale and how to receive the highest top dollar but also what to expect when moving and what should you take or leave behind. We found one resource here on “7 Best Moving Companies” to support you or your loved ones. Sometimes paying for a service to take away from the overwhelm can be incredibly valuable and provide peace of mind.
Although these seem like very simple ideas and issues they really aren’t, and thinking about them in advance can save you and your family a lot of headaches. Tap into your local resources to assist you with the move itself as well as how to get the new place put together and looking and feeling like home. Spending a little bit of money in order to be able to get your new home feeling like your old home cannot be underestimated.
If we can be of any assistance or answer any questions while you make decisions about long-term care, please give us a call at 717-845-5390.