Grandparenting – Part 2

In a previous blog, I talked about my one grandson. Today, I want to introduce my second grandson, who turned 1 in October. Unfortunately, he and his father (the college student about whom I have blogged) and mother live in Philadelphia, and they and we have very busy careers, so we don’t get to see him nearly as often as we would like. We call him Johnny Meatballs.

The official story is that he got his name because of his chubby cheeks, and he needs a name that gives him street cred. After all, he does live in Philly. That’s not the entirely true story behind his name, but you’ll not get it out of me, no matter what you try!

He is a delight. We have hardly ever seen him grumpy. He is always smiling and laughing. He just started walking a few weeks ago but is now a walking terror. He loves to play hide and seek, which is him hiding alongside the couch, crouching down, and then springing up, laughing and giggling. He loves being read to. I will read to him, or hold a book and make up a story. He is delighted either way (but I think my stories are way better the ones in the books).

Like his parents, he loves the beach, though he hasn’t yet learned that sand is not one of the food groups. He is a big Eagles fan – he must be because his wardrobe and toys lean heavily to the Eagles.

On game day, he always has something Eagles on. Being an Eagles fan of 58 years, since I was 10, my secret hope is that he will not have to wait another 58 years to celebrate a Super Bowl win. My son, being young and optimistic, is certain that they are on their way any time soon to another championship; I fear that I, who had 58 years to suffer, despite my best efforts and intentions, remain a pessimist.

My son: They’re looking good today.

Me: I wonder how they’re going to blow it this time.

Still, they delivered for us this past year and made me happy, so, for the sake of Johnny Meatballs, I’m going to keep rooting and (try to) stay optimistic, for his sake. Go Johnny go!

Bill Poole

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