Welcome back readers! I wanted to share one of my favorite family traditions – Christmas in July! It is a fun way to have a mid-summer celebration with family!
As the newest Bellomo Team family member, I wanted to bring that festive spirit to the office. One of the fun things we did at the office was to find the hidden Santa ornament each day.
We also enjoyed festive treats like “Oh Snow you Dip It” (a cannoli style dip creatively named by Jennah), Tropical Snow Balls (Tori, Christine’s daughter, made those healthy treats), Frozen Hot Chocolate (Amber provided her Magic Bullet), Hot Chocolate Mix and Soy Milk, holiday watermelon cut outs which Karris, Amber’s daughter, helped make, and Melted Snowman Cookies pictured with this blog, made by my kiddos Bella and Chris.
During our week of make-shift holiday fun my children asked questions about Christmas in July. Irene suggested I share a few fun facts!
Christmas in July originated in Australia in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is winter right now – our summer is their winter. The first Christmas in July happened at a Summer Camp for girls in 1933. They used cotton balls as snow balls and Laundry bags for stockings.
Please share ideas if you celebrate Christmas in July – we would love to hear from you! Join me again in future blogs as I step back in time for more strolls down memory lane.
Heidi – Bellomo & Associates