With Father’s Day this weekend I wanted to thank my father for planning ahead.

As an estate planning and elder law attorney I often see the absolute worst things that can happen with unfortunate timing and no planning in place.  From a young age I can remember my father was very detailed with his bookkeeping, his financial accounts, insurance, and other financial matters.

Image1Shortly after I entered the legal profession, he asked me to update his estate planning to make sure that he and my mother would be protected.  Unfortunately, my mother passed in late December of 2015, and although we were in total shock, it was comforting to know that her wishes were taken care of and we knew exactly what she wanted.

A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about how much worse that situation could have been had everything not been in order with a plan in place.  

Dad, thank you for being prepared and planning ahead, and making what was a very difficult situation a bit easier, knowing that everything mom wanted was taken care of.

So fathers, this Father’s Day please give your family the gift of getting your estate planning in order so that they, too, can have peace of mind knowing that your wishes will be carried out.  It may seem like a small matter, but the burden that it will relieve at a very difficult time cannot be overstated.

If you want to get your planning started, just click here now and RSVP for our next upcoming workshop.

Jeffrey Bellomo, Esq.