Planning For Your Pets

Many people consider their pets to be family members. The ongoing care of a pet is something that may cause an owner some worry in the event of the owner’s death or incapacity. This may not be an issue if there is a capable surviving spouse.

If not, there may be an informal understanding between a pet owner and a child, grandchild or friend who would assume those responsibilities if needed.  

However, Pennsylvania law allows pet owners to address this issue in their estate planning documents, by permitting the creation of a trust to provide for the ongoing care of pets. The trust provisions may include details such as:

  • Charles-deluvio-540415-unsplashIdentifying pet(s)
  • Designating a caretaker
  • Guidelines for specific care
  • Provision for funds for related expenses
  • Designating a trustee to manage funds
  • Termination of the trust under certain conditions

This type of trust provides another possible solution for a pet owner who wants to ensure proper care is always available for their beloved pet(s). Good estate planning includes providing solutions for your specific needs. 

If you want to get started on the estate planning process for you, your loved ones, and your pets, join us for one of our FREE workshops.  Click here and RSVP for the day and time that works best for you!