Heidi’s Time Capsule…

Welcome back readers! Life in today’s fast paced world certainly leaves me longing for what I imagine were the simpler days of yesteryear, when kids strolled down dirt roads and explored nature to entertain themselves.

I don’t have a problem with modern day technology – I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate all the luxuries that we have available. However, I do crave more technology-free family time. Wondering about how children entertained themselves without access to such luxuries inspired my blog today.

Hourglass-620397_640I became curious how a child in 1946 occupied their days. I recently planned my own children’s summer days filled with educational Bridgeworks books, exercise time, craft time, music lessons, library trips, letter boxing adventures, technology educational time, swim lessons, summer camps and day trips.

I wondered if structured activities existed back then and how much they cost for children. I thought to myself did parents carefully coordinate a schedule that entertained, delighted and enriched their little ones all summer long? I’m guessing they did not – I picture the children of that time freely entertaining themselves outside during the long lazy days of summer.

So exactly how did the children play in 1946? After some research, I discovered they mostly played kick the can, chase, which today we call tag, had staring contests, played cowboys and Indians, cops and robbers, baseball, jump rope, hide and seek, jacks, hopscotch, jump rope, pick up sticks, go fish, yo-yo’s, bolo bats (a wooden paddle that has a rubber ball attached by elastic string), and dolls, to name a few – there are many more!

I decided that this summer we will carve out time each week to put down our phones, tablets, laptops, iPad’s and video games to play some of these games from the past together.

I hope you enjoyed today’s blog. Join me again in future blogs as I step back in time for a stroll down memory lane.
