Update on the dates and location for Pennsylvania’s Inaugural LGBTQ Aging Summit from Teresa Osborne, Secretary of the PA Department of Aging

The dates and location for Pennsylvania’s Inaugural LGBTQ Aging Summit have been confirmed. The summit will be held on October 9-10, 2018 at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel. Led by a dedicated LGBTQ Aging Planning Committee, the summit’s theme is: Connecting Communities & Inspiring Change.

The committee aims to build off the success of the 2016 LGBT Elder Summit that was facilitated by the LGBT Elder Initiative. Our inaugural summit will further dialogue that needs to occur in communities throughout the commonwealth, encouraging all stakeholders to imagine what would be possible in a world where every health and human service provider is culturally competent and sensitive to the needs of LGBTQ seniors.

The summit will also focus on diving deeper into the unique challenges and areas of concern that LGBTQ elders in Pennsylvania face as they age in place, including housing, caregiving, community engagement, healthcare, policy, and legislative issues.

We are excited about the efforts underway that will ensure the summit includes informed speakers who will provide national, state, local, and consumer perspectives. Mark your calendars and join us for this important conversation that will promote a better understanding of the LGBTQ elder landscape in Pennsylvania.