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Why Estate Recovery Sounds Worse Than It Is

Why Estate Recovery Sounds Worse Than It Is

We recently received a distressed call from a husband that we represented about a year ago on a long-term Medicaid application for his wife who

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Check on Your Beneficiaries…Today!

Check on Your Beneficiaries…Today!

When you pass away, what you leave to your loved ones is important, but so too is how you leave those assets. Making certain that

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Trump Transfers Condos to Trust

Trump Transfers Condos to Trust

Trump has transferred 71 properties—primarily condo units in a handful of buildings—into his personal trust. He promised that the trust would be run by his

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It’s Okay, an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust is Legal

It’s Okay, an Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust is Legal

Don’t worry; this is a totally legal and valid trust. The “defective” part only describes the fact that it’s not valid for income tax shifting

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Should I Just Copy and Paste an Estate Plan from the Internet?

Should I Just Copy and Paste an Estate Plan from the Internet?

Have you considered creating your own estate plan from a template on a website, instead of using the services of a qualified estate planning attorney?

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Planning for Incapacity is Wise Move

Planning for Incapacity is Wise Move

Many of us are not very proactive in estate planning or aware of the issues of elder law, even though we know that eventually we

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Help Your Loved Ones and Be Clear with Your Estate Planning Documents

Help Your Loved Ones and Be Clear with Your Estate Planning Documents

It can be tough to decipher all of the requirements and rules in estate planning documents, along with the probate process. If you can’t figure

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Tips to Avoid Elder Financial Fraud and Abuse

Tips to Avoid Elder Financial Fraud and Abuse

The costs of elder financial fraud and abuse are more than financial. In fact, for elderly citizens who are financially exploited, the impact is more

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How Do I Use an IRA Trust?

How Do I Use an IRA Trust?

There are many different types of effective trusts to accomplish specific things in retirement and estate planning. Unfortunately though, many people don’t ever consider the

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College Basketball Coaching Legend Uses Trust to Give to His Former Players

College Basketball Coaching Legend Uses Trust to Give to His Former Players

The fact that late North Carolina basketball coach Dean Smith left $200 each to about 180 players he’d coached over the years is all over

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ABLE Accounts Offer Savings Strategy for Kids with Special Needs

ABLE Accounts Offer Savings Strategy for Kids with Special Needs

Leslie Sieleni found out her son had Down syndrome when he was 5 days old. Now 14, Sean Sieleni talks about driving a car, going

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Estate Planning and Blended Families

Estate Planning and Blended Families

An important issue in dealing with wealth transfer for blended families is how the assets flow to the surviving spouse and family members or after

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