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Longer Lives Means More Estate Planning / York, PA

Longer Lives Means More Estate Planning / York, PA

Longevity has a way of upending estate planning. When New York City philanthropist Brooke Astor died in 2007 at age 105 with a $100 million

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Need I Be Spoiled to Have a Trust? / York, PA

Need I Be Spoiled to Have a Trust? / York, PA

Mention a trust, and the first thing most people think of is a spoiled kid living off an inherited fortune without having worked a single

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WWII Hero Victim of Elder Abuse / York, PA

WWII Hero Victim of Elder Abuse / York, PA

A forensic accountant’s report earlier this year showed what friends of a now-deceased 88-year-old Eldora man had been reporting to authorities for years: A caregiver

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A Trust Is Still a Good Idea / York, PA

A Trust Is Still a Good Idea / York, PA

Up until a few years ago, a common estate-planning technique included the use of irrevocable trusts to own life insurance intended for the payment of

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Plan Ahead!! / York, PA

Plan Ahead!! / York, PA

AARP says to head off bickering over your personal possessions, consider supplementing your will with a letter of instruction, an informal document that you can

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Rare Books in an Estate: What to Do? / York, PA

Rare Books in an Estate: What to Do? / York, PA

One of the most difficult tasks facing someone taking care of a loved one’s estate is figuring out which items are valuable. We all know

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Money Tips for Families / York, PA

Money Tips for Families / York, PA

Between life insurance, wills and other financial tools, many parents of more meager means can also take steps to make sure their kids will be

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Hey, Let’s Talk About Death! York, PA

Hey, Let’s Talk About Death! York, PA

No one really wants to talk about death. But physical death is inevitable, for everyone. The death of a spouse, family member or close friend

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Be a Sweetheart and Remember Your Better Half in Estate Planning / York, PA

Be a Sweetheart and Remember Your Better Half in Estate Planning / York, PA

What should you and your spouse do if you own your house, are retired, with a high six-figure nest egg, and no will or trust?

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Take Aim and Include Your Firearm Collection in Your Estate Planning / York, PA

Take Aim and Include Your Firearm Collection in Your Estate Planning / York, PA

For those who have valuable weapons or collect firearms, how the guns should be handled after the owner’s death can be a concern. If heirs

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Documents Needed in Estate Planning / York, PA

Documents Needed in Estate Planning / York, PA

A well-planned estate is a wonderful legacy you can leave your heirs — instead of untangling a messy estate, they can follow concrete steps, allowing

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A Quick Look at Grantor Trusts / York, PA

A Quick Look at Grantor Trusts / York, PA

Some advisers are moving low-basis assets out of the trusts by swapping in high-basis assets. For years wealthy investors have used grantor trusts to minimize

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