“My loved one is in a nursing home, is it too late?” The simple answer is no, it is not too late! The only time
Review These Retirement Planning Criteria
Stock Investor’s recent article, “6 Retirement Estate Planning Criteria You Must Address,” says every retiree’s investment objective should address these six criteria: Minimum required yield.
Planning Ahead with Long-Term Care
“The experiences of people we care about often deeply affect us.”
Find Out More about Home Healthcare Services
“It should ease your mind to learn that there are many more sources of funding for in-home healthcare than you may think.” There can be
The Bumpy Ride of Care for Your Parents
“Thanks to Father Time and copious amounts of prescription drugs, people are living longer. But with longer lives comes the potential for increased healthcare needs.”
Massachusetts Looks at Changing Special Needs Trusts
A recent article in The Boston Globe, “MassHealth may force seniors to make hard choice,” explains that disabled seniors in the state may need to
Elder Law Attorneys Help Seniors and Their Families
The (Fort Worth TX) Star-Telegram recently published an article, “Elder care attorneys can help with long-term care, Medicaid.” The article explained that this segment of
Make a Plan to Make a Plan for Retirement
Everyone’s busy with families, careers, home-buying, and then one day, college for the kids. It shouldn’t be too surprising that retirement planning takes a back
Finally, New Rules for Nursing Homes
As a recent Forbes article titled “The End of Secrecy in Nursing Home Wrongdoing” explains, until now consumers were required to sign arbitration agreements when
Medicare’s Observation Status Can Have You Seeing Extra Dollar Signs
If you’re in the hospital under “observation status,” which is a Medicare designation applied to patients deemed insufficiently ill for formal admission, but still too
“SNF” Doesn’t Stand for “Sunday Night Football” When Talking About Medicaid and Medicare
Can you believe the average cost for a one-bedroom unit in an assisted living facility is nearly $42,000 a year in our country? These long-term-care
Before You Panic and Sell the Family Home, Talk with an Elder Law Attorney
Let’s look at a difficult but very common scenario where a husband or wife has an immediate need for nursing home care. Unfortunately, the couple
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