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Avoid Financial Elder Abuse

Avoid Financial Elder Abuse

Two recent studies on elder financial abuse were recently published— one suggesting the problem is far bigger than we think and the other suggesting it’s

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Don’t Get Caught in a Scam

Don’t Get Caught in a Scam

Financial scammers who target elderly or vulnerable Minnesotans would face stiffer penalties under a law Gov. Mark Dayton included in his two-year budget proposal. The

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Elder Rights in Guardianship

Elder Rights in Guardianship

This spring, Florida lawmakers will have a chance to stem abuses in the state’s little-understood adult guardianship system by taking up measures that would make

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WWII Hero Victim of Elder Abuse / York, PA

WWII Hero Victim of Elder Abuse / York, PA

A forensic accountant’s report earlier this year showed what friends of a now-deceased 88-year-old Eldora man had been reporting to authorities for years: A caregiver

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Los Angeles to Focus on Crimes against the Elderly / York, PA

Los Angeles to Focus on Crimes against the Elderly / York, PA

Calling elder abuse one of the most under-reported crimes in the city, Los Angeles officials announced plans to expand its efforts to protect senior citizens

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World War II Veteran Victim of Elder Abuse

World War II Veteran Victim of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is a term that means someone is knowingly, intentionally or negligently causing harm or a serious risk to a senior. When Michael Casler

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The Federal Government Releases the Elder Justice Roadmap / York, PA

The Federal Government Releases the Elder Justice Roadmap / York, PA

The federal government has introduced a major new initiative to combat rising abuse and exploitation of the elderly — the “Elder Justice Roadmap,” a comprehensive

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