“If you don’t want money you’ve worked hard for to pass down to your son’s or daughter’s ex, then consider a trust.” The federal estate
Divorce After Age 50 and the Impact on Retirement Plans
There’s an increasing number of older adults who must address this issue. The divorce rate among U.S. adults 50 and older doubled between 1990 and
Financial Tips for After the Split
Divorce can take a toll financially on both spouses, with this immediate financial burden resulting directly from the separation of the household. When a couple
Tips on Conducting a Stress-Free Estate Sale
“Choosing a trusted estate sales professional should not be taken lightly.” Estate sales come at a time when families are at a crossroads resulting from
Estate Planning after a Divorce
If you’re in the process of getting a divorce, money issues are likely to be a key point of discussion. Whether you’re the spouse of
Divorce Planning and Estate Planning
If you have just gotten divorced, you may be focused on getting on with your life. But make sure you also have updated the financial
Advice for Divorce after Age 50 / York, PA
When you’re over 50 and facing divorce from a long-term marriage, coming to a settlement agreement that will safeguard a comfortable financial future is complicated.