The administrator of a decedent’s estate in Oklahoma appealed an order from the trial court forcing the administrator to file a federal estate tax return
How to Split the Lake Cabin among the Kids
Financial Planning’s recent article, “Save clients from tax pitfalls, family strife when passing on that lake cabin,” says that a parents’ well-meaning bequest could wind
Advice for Blended Families and Estate Planning
Did you know that about 1,300 new stepfamilies are created every day? That’s from the Stepfamily Foundation, and the Pew Research Center says 41% of
Five Challenges to Retirement
“The road to retirement is pretty straightforward—until you start getting close.”
529 Saving Plans for Your Grandkids’ College
“If you use a 529 plan to save for a grandchild, here's what you need to know.”
How to Tap into Your Ex’s Social Security Benefits
“Even though you and your ex-spouse may no longer be in love with each other, you may still have the ability to tap into his
The Longest Day is a team event to raise funds and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association. It is held annuallyon the summer solstice, the duration
Why Does a First Responder Need a Living Will?
“It is not easy to speak about living wills. But for every first responder, it’s a conversation worth having.”
Trimming Taxes for Retirees
“For now, trimming your tax tab is up to you, not the men and women in Washington who write the tax law.”
Planning Ahead with Long-Term Care
“The experiences of people we care about often deeply affect us.”