Making the Move to a New Home in Retirement

The recent article at, “5 Tips for Seniors Planning a Move: Think ‘Resizing’ Not ‘Downsizing,’” explains that elder law attorneys are sensitive to the special needs of older clients and their families and that there’s no substitute for experience.
If your loved one is aging, you should seek help from an experienced attorney and implement the following advice to best support your loved ones.
First, it’s important to emphasize that these folks are “resizing,” not downsizing. Moving to a new home is the start of the next chapter in their lives—rather than the end.
Accentuate the positive and get them to think about what they’re gaining rather than losing.
Keep in mind that the seniors, as well as their families, are under tremendous stress. Staying calm and being organized is a big source of support. When you help your loved ones “resize” to a smaller space, start early and allow them the time to go through their things to decide what belongings they want and which ones they need. Possessions in the “need” category take priority over those they want.
It’s nice to get a floor plan of the new home to help determine what furniture they’ll be able to take with them.
Also, by thinking ahead about what to do with the possessions they’ll need to part with, your loved ones might find a worthy charity that would receive their donations. To help with the transition to their new life, encourage them to consider it giving and not losing their possessions.
Reference: (July 7, 2016) “5 Tips for Seniors Planning a Move: Think ‘Resizing’ Not ‘Downsizing’”