Having outdated or incomplete estate planning documents leads to a false sense of security as we enter our senior years. Therefore, it is important that
The Value of a Living Will
I was in my doctor’s office the other week and I noticed a large collage on one wall all about the importance of Advance Directives,
Guardianships in Pennsylvania
If you are dealing with elderly people, it is important to understand the recently revised rules for guardianships in Pennsylvania. The reason for these major
I really want to make gifts to my grandkids!
First, let us be very clear – we strongly discourage gifting as an estate planning tool! People often come to us and say they want
Coming Soon: Community HealthChoices
Effective January 1, 2020, big changes are coming the central Pennsylvania Medicaid recipients! The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) is preparing to implement the
Getting the Most Out of Social Security Survivor’s Benefits
Social Security survivor's benefits provide a safety net to widows and widowers. However, to get the most out of the benefit, you need to know
Caregiver Agreements in Pennsylvania
It is becoming more and more common, and encouraged, for those who are in increasing need of medical services to stay at home and receive
Medicare’s Hospice Benefit
All of us would like, at the end of our lives, to go peacefully to sleep, without any suffering or hardship. Unfortunately, many people at
Having “the talk” with your parents
How many of us know what our parents’ wishes are for healthcare and long-term care as they age and approach the end of their lives?
Wellness Visit or Physical for Medicare Recipients
For those of us on Medicare, which generally includes those over the age of 65 or disabled persons, Medicare offers a little-known free benefit, an
Values You Should Teach Your Child by Age Five – Part 5
Today we will explore the fifth of these values, Love. Value #5: Love – Be Generous with Your Affection. Parents tend to think that children
Values You Should Teach Your Child by Age Five – Part 4
There are five values that all children should develop by their fifth birthday, and some ways to make them stick. Those values are: Honesty; Justice;