A Medicaid In-Home Care Success Story

Book-419589_640A few months ago, I met with a family whose husband was having a difficult time caring for himself and getting around his home.  His disease had progressed to a point where it was becoming almost impossible for him to remain in the home, but he and his wife were not ready for him to go to a nursing home.  

A friend of theirs told them about our office and the free workshops that we offer. They, along with their children, attended the workshop and came to my office to meet with me for the free consultation which accompanies attendance at the workshop.  It became very clear to me at the outset that the family was not ready to see Dad go into a nursing home yet and, certainly, Mom was not prepared mentally for that alternative.

I asked if they knew anything about the Pennsylvania Waiver Program; they had not. I explained to them that the Pennsylvania Waiver Program allows Medicaid to pay for in-home care to keep people in their homes as long as possible.  

Not only were we able to keep Dad in his home and get in-home care for him, but we were also able to protect assets for Mom, as she is only in her late 50s and hopes to have another 40 years of her lifeDad is receiving 20 hours a day of care in their home, which is being provided by a reputable in-home care agency, and Mom was also able to protect not only her house, her car, and her retirement account, but 100% of the additional $400,000 that they have accumulated.  

The family told me that they came in for the free consult with me knowing that there was nothing that I could do to help them other than to tell them that when they are ready for Dad to go to a nursing home to give me a call. At the end of the meeting, they were ecstatic, because, in the wife’s words, I have changed their lives forever and they will be forever grateful.

It is moments like these that remind me every day why we do what we do to help families, particularly when we are able to keep them in their homes and protect assets for their loved ones.

To get started on your estate planning and/or asset protection planning join us for an upcoming workshop.  Just click here to RSVP.

Jeffrey Bellomo